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The Advising Process

Advising appointments are required for every semester you intend to register and they involve a three step process:

Step 1: 

Schedule an appointment with the Academic Advisor in the SAGE System in the second or third week of classes. Appointment times are based upon the number of hours a student has completed toward the major, at the time of scheduling. Make this appointment as early as you are eligible, especially if you wish to enroll in classes that require Permission of the Department (POD). These classes often have waiting lists. Signing up early is especially important for students who are planning to graduate in the coming year but have not yet taken the require research methods and theory courses.

How to Find your Advisor in SAGE

Make an Appointment in SAGE

Step 2: 

Prepare for your meeting by deciding which courses you would like to take. To get detailed information about a course, you may want to read the syllabus. Current syllabi for all courses are available through the UGA Syllabus System.

Step 3: 

Come for your appointment with the Academic Advisor when scheduled. If you are unable to make your appointment, please contact the Sociology Advising Office ahead of time (Phone: 706-542-3192; Email: Students who miss scheduled appointments inconvenience everyone.

Please remember that advising is a shared responsibility. The Academic Advisor is here to help you, but advisors cannot plan everything for you. You should know the degree requirements for our major or minor. You should also familiarize yourself with the printout you are given at your advising appointment, and make sure the information is current. Making certain that you have the classes you need to graduate is ultimately your responsibility.

If you are a major and have three or fewer semesters left before graduation, you need to plan carefully. In particular, if you have not yet taken the required research methods and theory courses, you should sign up to be advised as early as possible in each of your remaining semesters.

How to Check and Change your Major

Changing your major: If you have recently changed your major but have not been assigned a new advisor, please contact

Note:  Students with more than one major should be advised in each department.

Permission of Department (POD)

Sociology courses may require permission of the department. To obtain permission to enroll in POD classes, contact the Academic Advisor ( and not the professor teaching the class. The Academic Advisor keeps current records about available seating and develops waiting lists and is the only one who can grant you access to POD classes. If you have been given a POD, please register for the course as soon as possible. Unused PODs will be returned to Athena before Drop/Add without notification.

Directed Readings/Supervised Research

Sociology majors may also earn credit by working individually with faculty in the department. Students register for SOCI 4900 or SOCI 4960H (Supervised Research in Sociology). To obtain credit, you must obtain the form Permission for Supervised Research from the Academic Advisor, request the professor's signature, which signifies that he or she has agreed to work with you on the project, and return the form to 113 Baldwin Hall. No more than six (6) hours of SOCI 4900 (or 4960H) can be used to satisfy the major requirement.

Problems Registering

Sociology classes are in high demand and we apologize if you are having trouble registering for them. However, additional seats may become available. Please check Athena.

Courses that are listed as POD are only open to majors until Drop/Add. During Drop/Add all unused seats will be made available. Please check Athena.


Students planning to graduate within 2 to 3 semesters should apply to graduate in Athena. 

Apply to Graduate

If you have more than one major, be sure to Apply to Graduate for each major.  Contact for the Sociology graduation advisor in Franklin College is Morgan Mahaffey, 542-1522 or use the SAGE System to make an appointment:

Make an Appointment in SAGE

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