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Undergraduate Courses

Basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methods of sociology, with an emphasis on culture, socialization, social organization, and major institutions.

Offered fall and spring semesters every year. 

Basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methods of sociology, with an emphasis on culture, socialization, social organization, and major institutions.

Offered fall, spring and summer semesters every year. 

The class, status, and power relations of African Americans as part of both the United States social structure and the African diaspora.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

The history, physical environment (landforms, vegetation, and climate), and sociocultural environment (artistic, political, and social development) of Africa.

Offered fall and spring semesters every year. 

Key topics that affect the lives of college students. The topics reflect dynamics of the modern university in interaction with broader society. The topics range from alcohol and drug use, mental health, gender and race relations, to college costs, student debt, and the transition from college to…

Modern social status systems, with a focus on the United States. The use of prestige, occupational skills, and economic assets to create classes; the impact of class on life chances; and the interaction of class with race, gender, and belief systems to shape individual earnings, wealth, and…

The nature, extent, and correlates of deviance and its control by social institutions and agencies; theories of deviance and societal reactions to deviance.

Offered every year. 

The causes, consequences, and social construction of American social problems, including poverty, crime and delinquency, environmental degradation, and race and ethnic relations.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis

The relationship between individuals and groups, as it shapes the development of social competence, personality, self-concept, motivation, attitudes and cognition.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

The causes and consequences of race and ethnic discrimination in America, with a focus on ethnic competition and conflict.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Popular Hollywood films as they illustrate culture, social class, race, gender, identity, and other sociological concepts. The ideological and utopian aspects of film are emphasized.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include…

Popular Hollywood films as they illustrate culture, social class, race, gender, identity, and other sociological concepts. The ideological and utopian aspects of film are emphasized.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Recent trends in American culture, focusing on traditions, practices, and products, including books, music, and film. Organizing themes are culture as both a source of social integration and an arena of strife, and the reciprocal effects of culture and human agency.

Course will not be…

Examines the sociological study of lives: socialization over the life span, the stratification of lives, cross-cultural comparisons of aging and human development, family patterns across time, careers in crime, health across life, religious expression in lives, and lifetime consequences of…

The relationship between social phenomena and religious practices. Topics include classic perspectives on religion; secularization; religious resurgence; religion and health; religion, race and ethnicity; religion and politics; religion and social mobilization; religion and immigration;…

Overview of teachers and teaching of students and learning. Focuses on the structure and culture of schools; socialization; stratification; gender and schooling; as well as special problems areas as reflected in society. Materials based on all levels of schooling, but emphasis is on higher…

Overview of teachers and teaching of students and learning. Focuses on the structure and culture of schools; socialization; stratification; gender and schooling; as well as special problems areas as reflected in society. Materials based on all levels of schooling, but emphasis is on higher…

The juvenile justice system, including the measurement of delinquency, contexts of adolescent socialization, and techniques of evaluation research.

Non-traditional format: This course is also offered through University System of Georgia Independent Study (USGIS).

Every Year -…

The juvenile justice system, including the measurement of delinquency, contexts of adolescent socialization, and techniques of evaluation research.

Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new…

Theoretical and empirical work on youth subcultures in terms of deviance, gender, identity, media, societal reaction, and style. Various subcultures considered: Cybercultures, Deadheads, Gay/Lesbian, Goth, Hackers, Motorcyclists, Punk/Hardcore, Riot Girls, Skinheads, and Straightedgers. …

An exploration of topics such as the social sources of illness, the social distribution of illness and health conditions, the social meanings of illness, and the increasing use of medical frameworks to understand and cope with what used to be considered non-medical, everyday experiences.

Topics include doctor-patient interactions; complementary and alternative medicine; the training and work of physicians; the work of allied health fields (e.g., nurses); hospitals, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes; the problem of pricing health care and the role of markets; and…

The nature of responses to crime by victims, criminal justice agencies, and other institutions; theories explaining reactions to crime.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.


The relationship between society and the nature and extent of American punishment over time. Theories of and justifications for punishment.

This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Scheduling for this course has not yet been determined.

The relationship between society and the nature and extent of American punishment over time; theories of and justifications for punishment.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Examination of sociological theories and research about non-routine collective behavior such as panics, riots, crazes, cults, fashions, fads, legends, rumors, protests, disasters, and social movements. It examines the role of resources, emotions, identities, social networks, and technology in…

Pivotal sociological theorists from classic theorists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to the present.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course…

Pivotal sociological theorists from classic theorists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to the present.

Every Year - Fall Spring.

An overview of social and political issues confronted by Native American nations in the contemporary U.S. The primary objectives of the course include recognizing the diversity of experiences among Native American nations and understanding and applying central analytical frames to explain Native…

The main approaches to social movement studies; collective behavior and resource mobilization theories, political process theory, new social movement theory, collective action framing and culture, and contentious politics. Discussion of how emotions, organizations, resources, politics,…

Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and culture of higher education and range from socialization and stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics.…

Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and culture of higher education and range from socialization and stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics…

The social factors that shape behavior and self-concept; theories such as behaviorism, symbolic interactionism, Freudian psychology, cognitive social psychology, and critical approaches. Topics include emotions, human development, and authenticity and sincerity in the postmodern age.

Feminist theories and methodologies on gender, with an emphasis on contemporary American society and the intersection of gender, race, and class. Topics include socialization, sexual orientation, reproduction, violence, family and household, work and global restructuring, and politics.

Research and theories on the role of gender in shaping labor market opportunities, experiences, and rewards; remedies for enduring problems, including those applied in United States workplaces; and new research directions.

Every Odd Year - Scheduling unknown.

Race and gender relations and discrimination around the globe; the origins and practice of race and gender domination and empowerment in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown. 

Evolution of cultures among racial groups as part of, and in contrast to, Western civilization. Particular attention is given to the ways race and culture intersect to provide styles, practices, and patterns of living for individuals in contemporary society.

Course will not be offered on…

The use of urban areas by individuals and institutions. Topics include urban ecology, crime, residential segregation, and poverty.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

The common experience of travel, particularly that associated with tourism, pilgrimages, and migration. Analysis of travel motifs, including cultural tours; nature/wilderness tours; local social worlds; the lure of cities; and encounters with roadside attractions and amusement parks.

A social psychological understanding of race and racism, with a particular emphasis on the experience of black Americans in the United States. The primary objective is to examine the interplay between interpersonal processes and the institutions through which racial boundaries and hierarchies…

A focus on data, methods, and theories used in the study of race and family as well as the structural factors impacting families, including economic, demographic, and historical trends which provide insight regarding similarities and distinctions among and within various racial/ethnic groups (e.…

The social causes and consequences of resource scarcity and environmental depletion. Topics include world population growth, pollution, depletion of energy sources, species extinction, and environmental movements.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Theoretical approaches to the state; the formation and legitimation of nations; collective action, social movements, and revolutions. Focus will be on issues of class, gender, and race.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown. 

An introduction to the main research methods used in sociology and the other social sciences. Exploration of surveys, experiments, qualitative interviews, fieldwork, and mixed- methods approaches. Emphasis is placed on basic logic, general strengths and weaknesses, and a critical analysis of…

Qualitative sociological analysis that emphasizes participant observation, intensive interviewing, and analysis of text; examples of field work studies; the design and completion of an independent field research project.

Every Year - Fall Spring. 

An introduction to the logic, interpretation, and estimation of quantitative methods as they are commonly used in sociology and the other social sciences. The course begins with hypotheses and measurement and ends with correlation and regression analysis. Emphasis is on interpretation,…

Fundamental principles of social science research and related research design. Structured to develop students' abilities to think clearly, critically, and logically about social science issues through the scientific evaluation of empirical issues and evidence.

Course will not be offered…

Fundamental principles of social science research and related research design. Structured to develop students' abilities to think clearly, critically, and logically about social science issues through the scientific evaluation of empirical issues and evidence.

This version of the course…

The study of social psychology by focusing on friendship. We will study friendships between individuals and groups, applying social psychological theories of interaction processes. By the end of this course, students should be able to apply social psychological ideas to analyze the real-life…

The relationship between individuals and groups, as it shapes the development of social competence, personality, self-concept, motivation, attitudes, and cognition.

Every Year - Fall Spring. 

The structural and cultural relationship of sport to society; contemporary issues in sport.

Not offered on a regular basis. 

The structure of work and industry with an emphasis on the rise of management and the modern corporation, the growth and decline of labor unions, and the emergence of service industries.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown. 

An examination of the way in which work and workers have been portrayed in film from the 1930s to the present, with a particular emphasis on the shift from blue-collar to white-collar work and the rise of the modern corporation.

The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of criminal behavior and victimization.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b)…

The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of criminal behavior and victimization.

Offered fall and spring semesters every year. 

Theory and research on urban crime and spatial variation in crime rates; the impact of crime on the structure of communities and its role in neighborhood decline.

Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course…

Theory and research on urban crime and spatial variation in crime rates; the impact of crime on the structure of communities and its role in neighborhood decline.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Examines sociological theories and research on communities and crime, including spatial variation in crime rates and the impact of efforts to control crime on the structure and well- being of communities.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the…

Theory and research on the relationship between criminal violence and social structure and processes.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

Data, methods, and theories used in the study of various forms of family violence, including child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Focuses on the causes and consequences of violence as well as prevention and intervention strategies, including the social welfare and criminal justice…

Data, methods, and theories used in the study of various forms of family violence, including child maltreatment and intimate partner violence. Focuses on the causes and consequences of violence as well as prevention and intervention strategies, including the social welfare and criminal…

Sociohistorical analysis of cultural and policy changes regarding alcohol and psychoactive drugs; theoretical approaches to defining abuse and addiction; causes of substance abuse; treatment strategies, especially Alcoholics Anonymous; and intervention strategies, especially those based in the…

An analysis of the cultural, social class, economic, and ethnic features of the American South, and investigation of the historical and contemporary forces which shape the unique character of the southern United States. 

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

An analysis of the cultural, social class, economic, and ethnic features of the American South, and investigation of the historical and contemporary forces which shape the unique character of the southern United States.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which…

Explores leadership from a sociological perspective. The structural, human resource, cultural, and symbolic aspects of organizations, and their implications for organizational leadership, will be studied. Key topics will include: conformity, obedience, social identity, status construction,…

Research and theories emphasizing organizational structures and cultures; bureaucracies and their alternatives; the control of workers; and the role of gender in organizations.

Every Even Year - Scheduling unknown.

Exploration of emerging conceptualizations and research on links between social conditions and experiences, biological characteristics and processes, and various aspects of our physical health. It introduces, explains, and assesses biologically-informed medical sociology and highlights the…

Special topics in culture for advanced undergraduates.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Examination of local and national politics through the lived experience of local Athens area residents, social policymaking processes, and the role of research and storytelling for policy. Students will conduct fieldwork and create policy-relevant digital stories. Students will present their…

Behavior disorders (BD) include non-criminal and non-developmental persistent behaviors that typically lead to formal interventions. Shifting boundaries define strategic action fields wherein BD are both directly and reactively controlled. Expanded from psychoses and substance addictions, BD now…

Focuses on the causes and consequences of interpersonal relationships and introduces students to analytic tools for understanding patterns in relationships. Considers how online and face-to-face networks help us understand phenomena ranging from career outcomes, musical tastes, criminal behavior…

The diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender located within an economic, social, and political context. Case studies drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

The diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender located within an economic, social, and political context. Case studies drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Exploration of the social history and contemporary questions of race, class, gender, and nation in Latin America. Case studies drawn from throughout the region. Topics may include socioeconomic development, poverty and inequality, social movements, institutions, and change. Latin America in…

How democracy, free markets, and other competing political and economic models can be applied to the specific development needs of nations around the world.

Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or…

The organization of work and occupational processes, such as the emergence of temporary and contract work, the decline of manufacturing jobs and the rise of the service sector, and the impact of technology on the structure of work and the experiences of workers.

Course will not be…

Prerequisite: SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1600 or permission of department.

Special topics in race and ethnicity for advanced undergraduates.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Special topics in deviance and responses to deviance, with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis. 

Special topics in deviance and responses to deviance, with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives.

Course content will be specified by the faculty member offering the particular section of this course.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Examination of major changes affecting Italian society over the past century, including unification, migration, economic development, globalization, and modernization. Consideration of how these changes influence how Italians live and work.

The impact of globalization (the spread of economic policies and practices across national boundaries) on work, jobs, and careers in different countries.

Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches…

The impact of globalization (the spread of economic policies and practices across national boundaries) on work, jobs, and careers in different countries.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Social problems and issues in post-apartheid South Africa and how these have been addressed by government and civil society.

Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge…

The qualitative and quantitative methods for best assessing the functions of significant issues of performance and social interaction within contemporary African American culture, including, in some instances, the impact on health professions and the theory and delivery of health services. Some…

Cross-national variation in definitions, incidence, and prevalence of crime; the role of culture, structure, and globalization on crime and crime control.

Every Year - Summer.

Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology, individual and social psychology, history, sociology, economics, and psychiatry.

This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology, individual and social psychology, history, sociology, economics, and psychiatry.

This course will be taught 95% or more online.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology, individual and social psychology, history, sociology, economics, and psychiatry.


Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology, individual and social psychology, history, sociology, economics, and psychiatry.

Non-traditional format: This course is also offered through University System of Georgia Independent Study (USGIS).

Course will not be…

The status, roles, and demographic aspects of the aging population and its relationship with social institutions.
Course will not be offered on a regular basis.

Terrorism and its control from a sociological perspective. Topics include the definition of terrorism, history and contemporary patterns of terrorism, reasons for joining terrorist groups, social conditions under which terrorist violence occurs, whether terrorism works, and the effectiveness of…

Special topics in social psychology for advanced undergraduates.

Course will not be offered on a regular basis. 

Examination of the role that everyday interaction plays in the creation, maintenance, and change of our system of gender difference and gender inequality in contemporary United States society. To address these questions, we will critically examine current sociological theory and research on…

Examination of the role that everyday interaction plays in the creation, maintenance, and change of our system of gender difference and gender inequality in contemporary United States society. To address these questions, we will critically examine current sociological theory and research on…

Analyzes the definition and response to right and wrong in human societies. Moral conflict occurs throughout social life, though it varies greatly in intensity and type. This course asks: Why are some groups highly tolerant, while others are highly repressive?

This version of the course…

Analyzes the definition and response to right and wrong in human societies. Moral conflict occurs throughout social life, though it varies greatly in intensity and type. This course asks: Why are some groups highly tolerant, while others are highly repressive?

Every Year - Scheduling…

The nature of law, and the ways the legal system reflects its broader social context.

Every Year - Scheduling unknown.

The nature of law, and the ways the legal system reflects its broader social context.

This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach…

Explores the institutional dimensions of social and environmental sustainability. Institutions refer to rules and patterns of interaction that humans devise to orient/regulate their behavior vis-à-vis one another and the natural world. Institutional themes include collective action, property…

Explores the shift from "government" to "governance" in the domain of natural resource management, focusing on land, forests, and rangelands in the global South. It explores the promise and challenges of networked forms of governance in which non-state actors are assuming roles traditionally…

Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Research conducted under the direction of a faculty member; includes a review of the literature, data collection and analysis, and interpretation of research findings.

Non-traditional format: Weekly meetings arranged between instructor and…

Case studies and guest talks are used to examine the work, culture, and work settings of various criminal justice practitioners, assess ethical issues in criminal justice practice, and learn new directions in the field.

Every Year - Fall Spring.

An overview of contemporary social movements of the region, its historical roots, and the economic/political causes that motivate the protests of the powerless. Special attention will be given to the relationship between social movements, political parties, and the state in different historical…

1 hours lecture and 5 hours lab per week.

An experimental research methods course emphasizing hands-on experience in the lab. Readings and weekly seminar meetings focus on ethics in human research, sociological theories of social interaction, experimental design, experimental procedures,…

Application of sociological theory and research to public and private sector enterprises. Emphasis on observation and analysis of sociological issues that serve as the foundation for an original research paper. Students are responsible for identifying the internship setting and having it…

Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Research conducted under the direction of a faculty member, including a review of the literature, data collection and analysis, and interpretation of research findings.

Non-traditional format: Weekly meetings arranged between instructor and…

Individual research in the major or a closely related field.

Non-traditional format: Students will meet with faculty members on a regular basis.

Every Year - Fall Spring Summer.

An internship specifically designed for and required of students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Centers on regular and systematic analysis of experiential learning under direct faculty supervision.

Student works independently and meets with project director several times during…

An internship specifically designed for and required of students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Centers on the design, execution, and reporting of original research related to the specific placement or internship.

Not offered on a regular basis.

An internship specifically designed for and required of students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Criminal justice students are required to intern in an approved agency full time over the semester.

Not offered on a regular basis.

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