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Research Opportunities

Laboratory for the Study of Social Interaction

The Laboratory for the Study of Social Interaction is located in the Department of Sociology at the University of Georgia. LaSSI houses research on basic processes in social interaction including (a) socioemotional processes (b) status and power processes (c) justice and injustice processes (d) individual and group identity processes.  

Laboratory for the Study of Social Interaction at the University of Georgia

Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO)

Center for Undergraduate Research OpportunitiesAs part of the Honors Program at the University of Georgia, the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) seeks to promote opportunities for undergraduates to engage in research with premier research faculty. The center operates on the premise that it is possible for both young students and faculty members to cooperatively engage in the creation of knowledge. Research faculty members who participate in the CURO program consider students as partners in a learning community, and many students find that they develop mentoring relationships focused on conducting research. CURO offers a convenient way to search for current research opportunities by discipline, school, department, and professor as advertised for by the researching professor.

Department of Sociology Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program

The Sociology Department’s  Undergraduate Research Mentoring Program is designed to help our majors gain admission to highly competitive graduate programs in sociology. The Program, which began in Fall 2004, allows students to work with a faculty member on his or her research or on a student-selected research project. In addition, the student will take a graduate level research methods course (Soci 6620 or 6750).


  • Open to all students considering going to graduate school in sociology (only).
  • Applicants must have received an A in Soci 3580 (or obtain a letter from their methods instructor and the permission of the Undergraduate Coordinator).
  • Applicants must also have identified a faculty member who has agreed to serve as a research mentor.

Application Procedure

Applicants should submit a letter to the Undergraduate Coordinator describing their research interests, reasons for wanting to participate in the program, and future career plans. The letter should also indicate which faculty member has agreed to act as a research mentor. The application letter from the student, which should list the student's postal and email addresses and phone number(s), is due by April 15th. 

The application must also be accompanied by a brief letter from a faculty member which:

  1. indicates that he or she is willing to serve as the research mentor and
  2. describes the research project the student will complete.

Approval of Applicants

  • All applications will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Coordinator.
  • The faculty mentor will determine which graduate methods class (Soci 6620 or 6750) is most appropriate for the student.
  • Final selection requires the agreement of the instructor of the graduate methods class.
  • Once accepted into the program, the faculty mentor and student will sign a written agreement outlining the faculty member's expectations of the student and the general type of research activities the student is likely to perform.

Program Duration

Participation in the program may be for one or two semesters, to be determined by mutual agreement between faculty member and student.


The student will receive three hours of credit for each semester in which he or she is involved in the program, for a maximum of six credit hours. These hours are above and beyond the requirements for the sociology major.

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Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.