Selected Sociology Faculty and Student Collaboration: 2014-Current
Ronald L. Simons, Leslie Gordon Simons, David Woodring, Tara Sutton, Man-Kit Lei, and Ashley Barr. Forthcoming. Childhood adversities amplify the association between adult stressors and inflammation in a domain specific manner: Nuancing the early life sensitivity model. Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Klopack, Eric T., Ronald L Simons, and Leslie Gordon Simons. Forthcoming. Puberty and girls delinquency: A test of competing models explaining the relationship between pubertal development and delinquent behavior. Justice Quarterly.
Klopack Eric T. and Kandauda A. S. Wickrama. Forthcoming, 2019. “Modeling Latent Change Score Analysis and Extensions in Mplus: A Practical Guide for Researchers.” Structural Equation Modeling. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2018.1562929.
Kelly, Chelsea Rae and Dawn T. Robinson. Forthcoming. "Identity Work and Affective Change: Sociological Applications for Effective Coaching." In Handbook for Key Concepts for Coaching, edited by Wolfgang Scholl, Heidi Moeller, Siegfried Greif. Springer Press.
Steele, M. & Simons, L.G. Forthcoming. Intergenerational Transmission: Theory and Research. In Encyclopedia of Intimate and Family Relationships: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Macmillan
Tinkler, J., Zhao, J., Li, Y., Ridgeway, C. Forthcoming. “Honorary Whites? Asian American Women and the Dominance Penalty.” Socius.
Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards, Harassed: Gender, Bodies, and Ethnographic Fieldwork, forthcoming in 2019 with University of California Press.
Hermanowicz, Joseph C., and Kristen A. Clayton. Forthcoming. “Democratization and Differentiation in Academic Publishing.” The Journal of Higher Education.
Clayton, Kristen A. Forthcoming. “Biracial College Students’ Racial Identity Work: How Black-White Biracial Students Navigate Racism and Privilege at Historically Black and Historically White Institutions.” Chapter 6 in Intersectionality and Higher Education: Identity and Inequality on College Campuses, edited by C. Byrd, S. Ovink, and R. Brunn-Bevel. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Simons, L.G., Sutton, T.E., Granberg, E., Landor, A. & Bryant, C. Forthcoming. Gender differences in the dating experiences of African American young adults: The challenge of forming romantic relationships within the context of power imbalance. Youth and Society. (Epub ahead of print).
Sutton, T.E., Simons, L.G., & Tyler, K. Forthcoming. Hooking up and sexual victimization on campus: Examining moderators of risk. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Coverdill, James E., Jeff Scott Shelton, Adnan Alseidi, et al. Forthcoming. "The Promise and Problems of Non-Physician Practitioners in General Surgery Education: Results of a Multi-Center, Mixed-Methods Study of Faculty." American Journal of Surgery.
Boyle, Kaitlin, Ashley Barr, and Jody Clay-Warner. Forthcoming. “The Effects of Feminist Mobilization, Women’s Status, and Rape Law on Universities’ Reporting of Rape.” Journal of School Violence.
McKinzie, Ashleigh E. Forthcoming. “‘You Don’t Miss It ‘Til It’s Gone’: The Social Construction of the Environment and Place-Attachment Post-Disaster.” Environmental Sociology.
Gill, Timothy M. Forthcoming. “Shifting Imperial Strategies in Contemporary Latin America: The U.S. Empire and Venezuela under Hugo Chávez,” Journal of Historical Sociology.
Tara Sutton, Leslie Gordon Simons, Eric Klopack, and Ronald L. Simons. Forthcoming. Racial discrimination as a risk factor for African American men’s intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women.
Simons, R.L., Woodring, D, Simons, L.G. et al. (2019). Differential exposure to various childhood adversities and specificity of adult inflammatory response: Nuancing the early life sensitivity model. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48: 1-16.
Gill, Timothy M. 2019. “The Persistence of the Power Elite: Presidential Cabinets and Corporate Interlocks, 1968-2018,” Social Currents 5(6): 501-511.
Ashleigh McKinzie and Patricia Richards. 2019. “An Argument for Context-Driven Intersectionality,” Sociology Compass
Jeffrey A. Gardner and Patricia Richards. 2019. “Neoliberalism and Indigenous Rights in Latin America,” Palgrave Handbook of Ethnicity, edited by Steven Ratuva.
Tinkler, J., Clay-Warner, J, and M. Alinor. 2018 "Communicating about Affirmative Consent: How the Threat of Punishment affects Policy Support and Gender Stereotypes." Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Edgemon, Timothy G. and Jody Clay-Warner. 2018. “Inmate Mental Health and the Pains of Imprisonment.” Society and Mental Health. Published Online Ahead of Print (DOI: 10.1177/2156869318785424)
Palmer, Jamie. 2018. “Ineffective Masculinity: Intersection of Masculinity and Nationhood in Portraits of Cuban Men from Time and Newsweek 1959-2010”, Men and Masculinities.
Ronald L. Simons, Man-Kit Lei, Steven R.H. Beach, Ashley B. Barr, and Leslie G. Simons (2018). Discrimination, segregation, and chronic inflammation: Testing the weathering explanation for the poor health of Black Americans. Developmental Psychology, 54, 1993-2006.
Hanson, Rebecca. 2018. “Deepening Distrust: Why Participatory Experiments Aren’t Always Good for Democracy” The Sociological Quarterly.
Hanson, Rebecca. 2018. Guest Editor of Special Issue. “Ethnographies of Security” Qualitative Sociology 41: 135-144.
Gill, Timothy M. 2018. “The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Left-Wing Populism in Socialist Venezuela,” Journal of World-Systems Research 24(2): 304-313.
Ashley B. Barr, Leslie Gordon Simons, Ronald L. Simons, Steven Beach, and Robert Philibert.(2018). Sharing the burden of the transition to adulthood: African American young adults’ transition challenges and their mothers’ health risk. American Sociological Review, 83, 143-172
Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Ashleigh E. McKinzie. 2018. “The Prevalence and Psychological Cost of Interpersonal Violence among Graduate and Law Students.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Jody Clay-Warner. 2018. “Shameful ‘Victims’ and Angry ‘Survivors’: Emotion, Mental Health, and Labeling Sexual Assault.” Violence and Victims 33(3).
Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Chase B. Meyer. 2018. “Who is Presidential? Women’s Political Representation, Deflection, and the 2016 Election.” Socius: Special issue on gender in the 2016 election.
Tinkler, Justine E. Sarah Becker, and Kristen A. Clayton. 2018. “Kind of Natural, Kind of Wrong: Young People’s Beliefs about the Morality, Legality, and Normalcy of Sexual Aggression in Public Drinking Settings.” Law & Social Inquiry
Clayton, Kristen. 2018. "Black-white Biracial Students' Evaluations of Blackness: The Role of College in Shaping Racial Regard". Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.
Reynolds, Jeremy and Ashleigh E. McKinzie. 2018. “Tracking the Time Divide: A Sequence Analysis of Work Hour Mismatches.” Social Forces.
McKinzie, Ashleigh E. 2018.“In Their Own Words: Disaster and Emotion, Suffering, and Mental Health.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being.13(1): 1440108.
Kaitlin, Boyle and Ashleigh E. McKinzie. 2018. “The Risk and Consequences of Sexual Assault and Harassment among Graduate and Law Students.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Zhao, Jun, and Christabel Rogalin. 2017. “Heinous Crime or Unfortunate Incident: Does Gender Matters?” Social Psychology Quarterly 80(4):330-341.
Boyle, Kaitlin M. 2017. “The Verification of Self Using a Mathematical Theory of Identity, Affect, and Behavior.” Sociological Forum 32(3).
Mark Berg, Ronald L. Simons, Ashley Barr, and Robert Philbert (2017). Childhood stressors and biological dysregulation in adulthood: Support for a calibration model. Social Science and Medicine, 193, 130-139.
Boyle, Kaitlin M. 2017. “Sexual Assault and Identity Disruption: A Sociological Approach to Post-Traumatic Stress.” Society and Mental Health. 7(2):69-84.
Culatta, Elizabeth, Jody Clay-Warner, Kaitlin M. Boyle, and Assaf Oshri. 2017. “Sexual Revictimization: A Routine Activity Theory Perspective.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Sutton, Tara E. 2017. “The Lives of Female Gang Members” Aggression & Violent Behavior 37:142-152.
Sutton, Tara, Brittany Martin, and Eric Klopack. 2017. "Racial Discrimination as a Risk Factor for African American Men's Violence Against Women: A Longitudinal Test of Mediators and Moderators"
McKinzie, Ashleigh E.2017. “A Tale of Two Cities: Variations in Perceptions of Disaster Recovery and the Importance of Intersectionality.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. 3(4) 522–537.
Jeffrey A. Gardner and Patricia Richards, “The Spatiality of Boundary Work: Political-Administrative Borders and Maya-Mam Collective Identification,” Social Problems 64(3): 439–455, 2017.
Simons, L.G., Sutton, T.E., Shannon, S., & Berg, M. Gibbons, F.X. (2017). The cost of being cool: How adolescent pseudomature behavior maps onto adult behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47: 1007-1021.
Futris, Ted G., Tara E. Sutton, & Jenee’ C. Duncan. 2017. “Factors Associated with Romantic Relationship Self-Efficacy Following Youth-Focused Relationship Education.” Family Relations, 66 (5), 777-93
Sutton, T., Simons, L.G., Simons, R.L., Cutrona, C. & Barr, A. (2017). Psychological distress, couple interactions and parenting: A dyadic analysis of African American couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79, 850-864.
Rebecca Hanson and Patricia Richards, “Sexual Harassment and the Construction of Ethnographic Knowledge,” Sociological Forum, 32(3): 587–609, 2017.
Hanson, Rebecca and Pablo Lapegna. 2017. "Popular Participation and Governance in the Kirchners' Argentina and Chávez's Venezuela: Recognition, Incorporation and Supportive Mobilisation." Journal of Latin American Studies. doi:10.1017/S0022216X17000074
McKinzie, Ashleigh E.2017. “Scared to Death: Reflections on Panic and Anxiety while in the Field.” Symbolic Interaction. 4(4): 483-497
Barr, A.B., Sutton, T.E., Simons, L.G., Wickrama, K.A.S. & Lorenz, F.O. (2016). Romantic relationship transitions and changes in health among rural, white emerging adults. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 832-842.
Antillano, Andrés, Iván Pojomovsky, Verónica Zubillaga, Chelina Sepúlveda, and Rebecca Hanson. 2016. “The Venezuelan Prison: From Neoliberalism to the Bolivarian Revolution” Crime, Law, and Social Change 65(3): 195-211.
Clay-Warner, Jody, Dawn T. Robinson, Lynn Smith-Lovin, Kimberly B. Rogers and Katie R. James. 2016. "Justice Standard Determines Emotional Responses to over-Reward." Social Psychology Quarterly 79(1):44-67. doi: 10.1177/0190272516628299.
Canon, Bryan C. and Dawn T. Robinson. 2016. “Affect Control Theory.” Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2nd Edition. Edited by George Ritzer. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Andrews, Tessa C., Evan P. Conaway, Jun Zhao, and Erin L. Dolan. 2016. “Colleagues as Change Agents for Undergraduate Teaching.” CBE-Life Science Education 15(2):1-17.
Simons, L.G., Sutton, T. E., Gibbons, F.X., Murry, V.M., Simons, R.L. 2016. “Mechanisms that link parenting practices to adolescents’ risky sexual behavior: A test of six competing theories.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 255-270.
Gill, Timothy M. 2016. “The Venezuelan Government and the Global Field: The Legislative Battle over Foreign Funding for Nongovernmental Organizations,” Sociological Forum 31(1): 29-52.
Boyle, Kaitlin M. and Lisa Slattery Walker. 2016. “The Neutralization and Denial of Sexual Violence in the Subculture of Parties Hosted by Fraternities and Athletes.” Deviant Behavior 37: 1392-1410.
Gill, Timothy M. 2016. “The Venezuelan Government and the Global Field: The Legislative Battle over Foreign Funding for Nongovernmental Organizations,” Sociological Forum 31(1): 29-52.
McKinzie, Ashleigh E. 2016. “Deconstruction of Destruction Stories: Narrative, Inequality, and Disasters.” Disasters 41: 3-22.
Boyle, Kaitlin M. 2015. “Social Psychological Processes that Facilitate Sexual Assault within the Fraternity Party Subculture.” Sociology Compass 9(5):386-399.
Greife, Matthew; Paul Stretesky; Tara O'Conner-Shelley and Mark Pogrebin (2015) “Corporate Environmental Crime and Environmental Justice.” Criminal Justice Policy Review. Published online March 22, 2015.
Goodrum, Sarah; Mark Pogrebin and Matthew Greife (2015). Representing the Underdog: The Righteous Development of Death Penalty Defense Attorneys. Criminal Law Bulletin 51(2): 329 - 356.
Boyle, Kaitlin and Ashleigh E. McKinzie. 2015. “Resolving Negative Affect and Restoring Meaning: Responses to Deflection Produced by Unwanted Sexual Experiences.” Social Psychology Quarterly 78(2): 151-172.
Aletraris, Lydia, Jeff S. Shelton, , Paul R. Roman. 2015. “Counselor Attitudes Toward Contingency Management for Substance Use Disorder: Effectiveness, Acceptability, and Endorsement of Incentives for Treatment Attendance and Abstinence.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 57:41-48
Sutton, T.E. & Simons, L.G. 2015. “Campus sexual assault in the U.S.: Examining hostility in the family of origin, attachment style, and the hook-up culture as risk factors.” Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24, 2827-2840.
Ronald L. Simons and Eric T. Klopack. 2015.. “The times they are a-changin’”: Gene expression, neuroplasticity, and developmental research. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.44, 573-580.
Linda Renzulli, Ashley Barr, and Maria Paino. 2015. “Innovative Education? A Test of Specialist Mimicry or Generalist Assimilation in Trends in Charter School Specialization Over Time.” Sociology of Education.
Oshri, Assaf, Tara E. Sutton, Joshua Miller, & Jody Clay-Warner. 2015. “Child maltreatment types and risk behaviors: Associations with attachment style and emotion regulation dimensions.” Personality & Individual Differences, 73, 127-133.
Sutton, Tara E., and Leslie Gordon Simons. 2015. “Sexual assault among college students: Family of origin hostility, attachment, and the hook-up culture as risks.” Journal of Child & Family Studies. Advanced online publication. 10.1007/s10826-014-0087-1.
James, Katie R. and Jody Clay-Warner. 2015. “The Second Shift and the Nonstandard Shift: How Working Nonstandard Hours Affects the Relationship between the Division of Household Labor and Wives’ Fairness Perceptions.” Research in the Sociology of Work 26:35-59.
Ashley B. Barr, Ronald L. Simons, and Leslie Gordon Simons, L. G. (2015). Nonmarital Relationships and Changing Perceptions of Marriage Among African American Young Adults. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 1202-1216.
Sutton, Tara E., Leslie Gordon Simons, K.A.S. Wickrama, & Ted G. Futris. 2014. “The Intergenerational transmission of violence: Examining the mediating roles of insecure attachment and destructive disagreement beliefs.” Violence & Victims. 29(4), 670-687.
Ronald L. Simons, Callie H. Burt, Ashley Barr, Man Kit Lei, and Eric A. Stewart (2014). Incorporating routine activities, activity spaces, and situational definitions into the social schematic theory of crime. Criminology, 52, 655-687.
McKinzie, Ashleigh E. and Patricia L. Richards. “Beyond Intersectionality?: An Argument for Context Driven Analyses. Accepted at Sociology Compass.
Ronald L. Simons and Ashley Barr (2014). Shifting perspectives: Cognitive changes mediate the impact of romantic relationships on desistance from crime. Justice Quarterly, 31, 793-821.
Ashley B. Barr and Ronald L. Simons (2014). A dyadic analysis of relationships and health: Does couple-level context condition partner effects? Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 448-459.
Reynolds, Jeremy and Matthew May. 2014. “Religion, Motherhood, and the Spirit of Capitalism.” Social Currents.
James, Katie, Bunch, Jackson, and Jody Clay-Warner. 2014. “Perceived Injustice and School Violence: An Application of General Strain Theory.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
Boylan, Rebecca and Linda Renzulli. 2014. “Routes Out, Paths Back: The Influence of Push and Pull Reasons for Leaving School on Students’ School Reengagment.” Youth & Society.